Wildfire Smoke & 28 Reasons You May Need an Air Purifier
28 Reasons You May Need an Air Purifier
- You're perfectly healthy. The problem with airborne pollutants is that we don't know exactly what effect they may have in the long term. Like cigarettes, lead and arsenic, government regulators have been slow to recognize the wide-ranging effects of airborne chemicals. In fact, only a quarter of the 82,000 chemicals in use in the U.S. have ever been tested for their effects on humans. As a result, an air purifier is now just as important as healthy eating and clean water to healthier lifestyle.
- You live in a home, apartment, trailer or any enclosed space. The walls we use to shelter and protect us from the elements also trap airborne chemicals, gases, odor and particles. The EPA has found that our dwellings may contain air that is 2 to 5 times, even 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.
- You have a new baby or are pregnant. Preventing early chemical exposure is critical. Many researchers now believe that disease is an on-going process in the body that may take years to evolve from the earliest stage. Therefore a fetus or newborn exposed to a cancer-causing toxin early-on will have an increased chance of developing a disease later in life - simply because it will have more time to evolve.
4. You have children. Your child's developing body doesn't work like yours does. Their metabolisms are immature and can't always excrete chemicals as efficiently as an adult therefore they are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. Many children also suffer from allergies and asthma which are aggravated and possibly triggered by airborne particles and chemicals.
5. You're over the age of 60. Let's face it our bodies don't work quite as efficiently as they used to. Having a constant flow of clean air is just like eating a balanced diet - it helps to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and promote longevity.
6. You love your modern conveniences. The irony is that many of the products we created to make our lives easier may be slowly eroding our health. Dry cleaning, plastics, flame retardants, non-stick surfaces, stain resistant fabrics, pesticides, chemical cleaning products, personal hygiene products, appliances and much more are all off-gassing chemicals and toxic dust into our homes. So keep your TV and couch and buy an air purifier.
7.You or your pet suffer from allergies. Allergies are not only aggravated by airborne particles like dust, pollen and dander, but also by airborne chemicals from cleaning products, flooring and furniture. Only an air purifier with pounds of activated carbon and HEPA filtration can remove 99.97% of airborne particles and harmful airborne chemicals.
8.Y ou suffer from asthma, or other respiratory problems. Because your respiratory system is already compromised, an air cleaner is a must-have tool in any treatment program. An air cleaner with a HEPA filter can trap 99.97% of all allergens, while a deep-bed carbon filter will remove airborne chemicals, gases and odors which may also aggravate or trigger an attack. 9.You live near a major road or industrial facility. Heavy traffic and factory emissions generate dangerous fine particles which penetrate deep into the body. Research has shown that short-term exposure to elevated levels of this type of pollution is associated with a higher risk of death from heart problems. Prolonged exposure actually reduces overall life expectancy by 1.8 to 3.1 years.
- Wild Fires You live near a forest fire zone or volcano. Both forest fires and active volcanoes (like those in Hawaii), create serious air quality problems that involve not only fine particles, but chemicals, gases and odors as well. Only an air purifier with pounds of activated carbon and HEPA filtration can offer the serious protection required for these specific types of airborne pollutants.
- You're a less than perfect housekeeper. Dust is not only an irritant, but is one of the main exposure roots for airborne chemicals. An air cleaner helps to prevent the accumulation of dust on surfaces and can also trap airborne mold spores, bacteria, viruses and even pet odors.
- You're a diligent housekeeper. Even many of the cleanest homes have poor indoor air quality. That's because most of the materials and products found in our homes today off-gas small amounts of chemicals. These can't be dusted away or removed with an air freshener.
- You have a garden, lawn or trees on your property. Gardens, mulches, trees and even lawns can be sources for mold spores. These airborne spores easily make their way into your home and can trigger an allergic reaction and aggravate asthma.
- You have a compromised immune system. When the immune system is weakened by illness or certain medical treatments, it may not be able to rid the body of toxic pollutants as effectively. People with compromised immune systems are also at a greater risk for severe complications from infections and viruses.
- You suffer from MCS.
- You or members of your family are exposed to secondhand smoke. Besides the penetrating odor that smoke leaves behind, cigarette smoke also contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds and at least 11 known human carcinogens. Only an air cleaner with many pounds of activated carbon can effectively trap these complex chemicals and odors.
- You have pets. An air cleaner will not only remove airborne pet hair, dander and odor but will also help protect your pets from indoor air pollution. Like children, our pets are naturally more susceptible to the effects of poor indoor air. They tend to spend more time indoors and are also closer to the floor where dust, toxins and airborne chemicals collect.
- You have water damage. Unsightly water stains may not be the only consequence of household water damage. Chances are you also have mold. Many people are unaware that mold releases both particles and chemical mycotoxins into the air. Depending on the level of exposure, the health effects of mold can range from allergic reactions to serious illness.
- You're moving into a new home. LEED Many of the materials and furnishings that go into a newly constructed home off-gas small amounts of chemicals into the air and will continue to do so for years. In the past homes were more porous and allowed for more natural ventilation. Newly constructed homes are air-tight allowing more air pollution to stay inside the home.
- You're planning renovations. LEED Renovations can be chaotic, and they can also introduce many pollutants into the air. Materials such as paint, new carpeting, flooring, wall-coverings, wood products, glues and varnishes all off-gas chemicals which may have serious short and long term health consequences.
- You use art materials. From the seasoned professional to a budding child painter, anyone using art materials is exposing themselves, and those sharing their workspace, to airborne toxins and suspected carcinogens.
- Your building has odor problems. Smoke and cooking odors are common complaints in apartment and condo complexes. While there may not be much you can do about your neighbors, an air cleaner can offer fresher cleaner air in your dwelling, protecting both you and your belongings from the effects of second hand smoke and odors.
- You have a home office. Many people are unaware that computers, printers, and fax machines all off-gas low levels of chemicals which can easily be inhaled.
- Your living space is located on the upper levels of a business In many urban areas, even the best living spaces are sometimes located over businesses. This often means sharing more than a building, but also air quality problems which may include odors, chemicals, gases and particles.
- You live in an agricultural area. Exposure to pesticides commonly used on crops have been linked to serious health problems including infertility, Parkinson's disease, birth defects, premature birth and asthma.
- You have an attached garage. Attached garages are one of the leading contributors to poor indoor air quality. Pollution from cars, other fuel-burning engines, stored paints, solvents, fertilizers and pesticides can all seep into your living area from an attached garage exposing you and your family to potential carcinogens.
- You suffer from flu-like symptoms, fatigue or eye irritations. All these symptoms may be caused or aggravated by airborne particles, chemicals, gases and odors.
- You have a fireplace or wood stove. While the warmth and ambiance of a roaring fire can be appealing, wood smoke pollutants seriously compromise indoor air quality and can cause breathing difficulties and other health problems even at relatively low levels.